The complete Submission Draft Plan together with the Basic Conditions Statement and the Consultation Statement were submitted to our two Local Planning Authorities: Northumberland National Park and Northumberland County Council on 26th June 2015.
The two Local Planning Authorities now take over the next stage of consultation.
The Submission Draft Plan is the amended version of Tarset and Greystead Neighbourhood Development Plan which takes into account responses to the six-week consultation for the Pre-submission Plan. The Submission Draft Plan can be viewed via the link for Appendix H (below).
The Basic Conditions Statement is a legal requirement. The Localism Act (2011) sets the basic conditions that Neighbourhood Development Plans:
The Basic Conditions Statement can be viewed via the link for Appendix H.
The Consultation Statement sets out the background to the preparation of Tarset and Greystead NDP as well as a timeline of the publicity, engagement and consultation that has helped to shape and inform the Plan. The Consultation Statement can be viewed by the link for Appendix H.
A list of documents used for consultations and the relevant analyses of those consultations are included in the Appendices at the end of the Consultation Statement document.
Communication and Engagement Strategy for Tarset and Greystead NDP (September 2012)
Terms of Reference for Tarset and Greystead NDP (October 2012)
Tarset and Greystead Landscape and Design Assessment - Spence and Dower Architects (2014)
Travelscape Reporting for Tarset and Greystead Neighbourhood Plan Community Consultation (June 2013)
Other Evidence Base documents are detailed in the Submission Draft Plan, and links to the relevant websites are on the Tarset web page.
North Tyne Plan: Consultation Report (February 2012)
Consultation Pamphlet on initial launch of Tarset and Greystead NDP (February 2013)
Articles in Tarset News (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, Summer 2015)
Press release for Hexham Courant coinciding with distribution of questionnaire (March 2013)
Questionnaire for Tarset and Greystead NDP (March 2013)
Youth Consultation Reports for Tarset and Greystead NDP: Greenhaugh First School (21st May 2013), Bellingham and Corbridge Middle Schools (4th/13th June 2013), High Schools' Consultation Document (5th July 2013) - (one response received)
Consultation with Local Businesses - Invitation (June 2013)
Consultation with Local Businesses - Summary of feedback (June 2013)
Travelscape Reporting for Tarset and Greystead Neighbourhood Plan Community Consultation (June 2013) [Also listed in Appendix B]
Sift Document of Literal Responses to Questionnaire (2013)
Consultation document on Vision and Objectives for Tarset and Greystead NDP (October 2013)
Questions for consultation event on Vision and Objectives for Tarset and Greystead NDP (October 2013)
Development of Policy Areas for Tarset and Greystead NDP document - assessment of policies against National Policy and Strategic Local Planning Policies - Policy Area 1, 2, 3 and 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (March 2014)
Consultation on Emerging Policy Areas and Proposals Map - document (June 2014)
Consultation on Emerging Policy Areas and Proposals Map - summary of responses (June 2014)
Questions and answers from public consultation meeting for Pre-submission Draft of Tarset and Greystead NDP (25th March 2015)
Pre-Submission Draft of Tarset and Greystead NDP - document (as consulted on in March - May 2015) - (see separate website page)
Response form for Pre-submission Draft (March 2015)
Details of people, businesses and organisations consulted during plan preparation (2012-2015)
Residents' Responses to Pre-submission Draft of Tarset and Greystead NDP, and responses to residents' comments as agreed by Steering Group (minutes of meetings on the website)
Statutory Consultees' Responses to Pre-submission Draft of Tarset and Greystead NDP, and responses to Statutory Consultees, as agreed by Steering Group (minutes of meetings on the website)
Applications to designate a Neighbourhood Area for Tarset and Greystead made to Northumberland National Park Authority and Northumberland County Council and the designation documents
Informal Health Check Review Report on Pre-submission Draft of Tarset and Greystead NDP (March 2015)
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Screening Report from Northumberland County Council (May 2015)
Appropriate Assessment Screening Opinion (Habitats Regulations) from Northumberland National Park Authority (June 2015)
Letter of notification of determination on SEA (June 2015)
Submission Draft of Tarset and Greystead NDP for Independent Examination (June 2015)
Basic Conditions Report for Submission Draft of Tarset and Greystead NDP (June 2015)
Consultation Statement for Submission Draft of Tarset and Greystead NDP (June 2015)