The Tarset Ceilidh Band was started in 2012 and was originally led by professional musicians as part of a project with Newcastle University and Tarset Village Hall. When the project ended the Band played on!
Now we are regularly asked to perform for all kinds of events and have a wide repertoire that we are constantly adding to.
We meet at the Village Hall every Sunday 4pm to 6pm, and if you would like to join in, we welcome new members, whatever your age, whatever your instrument, and whatever your level of skill and confidence. There is no pressure to perform, you can just come along and enjoy playing some tunes.
Our aim is to give local musicians the chance to play with a very friendly group, to explore new music, and to build the confidence to perform at all kinds of venues.
We also invite professional musicians from the region to come along and lead a session. This is invaluable for developing our skills and keeping us learning.If you are interested in booking Tarset Ceilidh Band, or would like to come along to a session you can find us on the Tarset Ceilidh Band Facebook page, or you can call us on 01434 240 939.