Originally founded in the seventies by Kielder foresters, the Border Natural History Society was based in Bellingham once the main forest planting was finished. It aims to enhance the knowledge and interest of natural history and environment issues. The society is self-supporting and open to anyone who wants to come along. BNHS membership for the year is £10 (under 18s, £2).
The society has its own website at:
The Border Natural History Society is long-established and has a programme of speakers from September to April each year. While many of the talks are of specific relevance to the region, most seasons include a foreign trip or two, to maintain a wider perspective. Speakers are all expert in their fields, either as professionals or highly knowledgeable enthusiasts. Meeting dates are published on the society's own website and are included on the community events listing. For a printed or emailed version of the full programme please contact the society’s secretary Lee Hollings, [email protected] or 01434 221284.
All talks are held at Bellingham Middle School at 7.30pm prompt, with refreshments available afterwards. If you would like to become a member, please pay at any of the talks. Non-members are welcome to any of the talks for a fee of £3.